Round Table Pizza #2
3 Stars (10) 6
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5 Stars25.9.2021
Fast services friendly staff, Looks like a fine place to eat, freshly made with a tones of toppings.. Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to keep eating while being full just because the food is so delicious
3 Stars18.12.2018
Good pizza great staff
1 Stars8.3.2018
من المطاعم التي تقدم خدمات جيدة ونوعية ممتازة، ولكن انصحهم وفقط نصيحة أن يخففوا الزيت لأنها كثيرة الزيت
5 Stars6.1.2018
Although I know it’s **** down but the food of Round Table pizza was worth it.
5 Stars26.11.2017
excellent service as well as pizza.
5 Stars8.4.2017
Awesome pizza

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