Pizza Hut #13
3 Stars (1,165) 475
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4.5 Stars15.4.2024
Last month i bought Limousine Pizza. 2nd December St. to be exact. I seat in the corner waiting for my oder I observe them and you will hear the arabic staff shouting and making loud noises. They dont care even if the custumer hears them and their service is very slow.. I dont know if its only me and I know plastic is not allowed, at least paper bag or tie it with plastic straw so that you can hold your purchase and not afraid to drop or spill it.
5 Stars13.2.2023
everything is good so far
5 Stars29.1.2023
Select 1 day in month for Offer, for more publicity of good taste.
3 Stars20.1.2023
ان تطور خدمات التوصيل ويكون اسرع من الان لان خدمة التوصيل غير جيدة لان البيتزا تصل للزبون باردة
1 Stars17.1.2023
delivery fee too high even if store is near. all pizza taste the same they should innovate.
0.5 Stars1.1.2023
تأخر في قديم وزيادة في سعر َمبلغ فيها
5 Stars31.12.2022
i love their pizza, specially the chicken barbeque.
0.5 Stars29.12.2022
There are better pizza joints in the market. Pizza Hut does not deliver what it use to once upon a time.
3 Stars28.12.2022
اضافه اصناف جديده الي قائمه الطعام ويجب ان تكون غير مألوفه بمعني فكره جديده لو تستخدم من قبل شركه او مطعم اخر السوق في اخر اعوام يفتقر الي الفكر الجديد صراحه
5 Stars28.12.2022
I love Pizza Hut, the quality of their food is so delicious with different flavour. Limousine is good you can taste all the flavours with sides. Brownies is chewy and yummy.

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