Papa John's #6
3 Stars (690) 299
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4.5 Stars13.4.2024
Friendly and efficient counter staff at RAK Hamra Mall
5 Stars12.3.2024
This is the only pizza brand which doesn't cause bloating to me so i always buy from them i tried others but the taste is different and better with papa johns
0.5 Stars11.4.2023
We went inside the store. There were not too much customers. Came 6:30 pm for iftar with friends. But the waitress came to us after 30 minutes we were sitting there. And the food was served after 30 minutes too. The food is awesome but the service is poor.
5 Stars1.3.2023
yummiest juicy pizza . My full family loves it and enjoys alot.
5 Stars17.1.2023
نقترح فتح أفرع في المنطقة الغربية
5 Stars27.11.2022
I love the pizza of papa johns
0.5 Stars23.8.2022
Your pizza is good and just a little bit of work on the chicken wings will make you excellent.
5 Stars8.8.2022
ممتاز جداً وغالي شوية
3 Stars31.7.2022
PAPA JOHNS is very reputed and delicious fast food restaurants ,which had different verity food with great taste,it is more good if it make home delivery services more fast and more parmotion on weekends.

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About Papa John's

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