Bebe #29
Royal Sporting House Limited (RSH Limited)
3 Stars (8) 7
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3 Stars11.12.2018
Good quality of clothing but a little bit pricey. I like all their designs
5 Stars27.11.2017
Premium Quality Collection.
0.5 Stars8.11.2017
Too much expensive
5 Stars28.9.2016
send email to customers when you have upcoming promotions or offers! wtc mall team is amazing!
1 Stars7.9.2016
Staff at the MOE are into themselves too much and not the customers. Train them to be welcoming, anticipate customer's needs and suggest items. Even if I am not there to buy, a good sales lady could persuade my decision to buy, the opposite is also true for unprofessional staff !!
5 Stars6.9.2016
Dubai Mall Staff are really nice and helpful. I like their clothes, materials are of good quality.

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