Centrepoint #48
Landmark Group
3 Stars (424) 186
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4 Stars10.10.2024
Prices increased
5 Stars16.5.2023
Centrepoint has been the epicenter of fashion consumables in the country, from day 1 I have been cherised all their support in filling up my wardrobe with their quality driven garments. The entire firm follow a better fabric, and wherever, there have been a concern, the Customer service team response over emails are very persistent, knowledgable and supportive. Moreover their birthday campaigns is an exceptional giveaway, where you get to shop for free on your special, what not they offer you up to 3 times of loyalty points on purchase across the month. They have aced their game in bring their own home grown brands and international brands in to one place, which they should be the leaders in fashion forward in few years down the line.
5 Stars30.12.2022
the clothes there and other stuffs are cheap price.
3 Stars12.12.2022
centrepoint is very professional fashion clothes store had very good quality and design, price's are cheaper and , customer service very good ,need more product's to add in stores,
5 Stars14.10.2022
شركة رائعة اتمني لكم مزيدا من التقدم والنجاح والتطور يارب
5 Stars27.7.2022
Faster customer service
5 Stars17.2.2022
It's very convenient since you can shop from different brands under one roof.
3 Stars10.2.2022
They should open more tills for the customer especially during sale promotion because the que is huge and if you are a customer who buys only necessities(less than 10 items)or few items then you have to be in the que for long period of time, prices are always crazy and fun to shop around.

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