Ovo #26
3 Stars (38) 28
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4 Stars28.1.2025
Just wanted to say I agree with the comments here...great food, lovely atmosphere, attentive service.
5 Stars11.1.2025
Amazing food and ambience
4 Stars26.12.2024
The food is amazing, complemented by a beautiful atmosphere that enhances the dining experience. Overall, the quality is consistently good, making it a great choice for a satisfying meal.
5 Stars18.12.2024
5 Stars19.5.2024
Easily my favorite neo Arab fusion restaurant in Kuwait, they have such a diverse and intriguing menu that greatly differs from the monotony of all other restaurants in Kuwait that pretty much have the same menu bs in different fonts (what I call "Brooklyn menu generator menus"). Beyond the delicious and consistent food they have fantastic staff and high service standards, specifically Reydan who has a way of making you feel like a VIP in the midst of all the chaos! 10/10 across the board :)
4.5 Stars30.4.2024
Always a pleasure to Go to OVO. Very friendly staff very clean place nice vibe and generally excellent food that is not overpriced and generous in its quantity
1 Stars30.11.2023
Great food with a twist, great service, nice ambience. Well done!
5 Stars9.10.2023
It was good! Everything was reached the expectation
5 Stars5.10.2023
It was so good I love the place nd the food the staff so friendly

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