Habra #134
Group Six United
3 Stars (15) 7
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5 Stars21.7.2022
Great quality of food
5 Stars27.12.2020
بصراحه مطعم روعه روعه روعه اطباق عجيب وغريبه وأكل لذيذ جدا جدا😍سعر غالي بس يستاهل بس اتمني علي طرل نفس تميز
5 Stars22.9.2019
بيئة المكان جدا جميلة يعد من اوائل المطاعم المختصة في تقديم اللحوم اقوم بزيارته بين فتره واخرىيرجى تدريب الموظفين للغة العربية و لو كلمات بسيطه
1 Stars25.8.2019
good food.. but small portions and high prices
1 Stars6.8.2019
they are very expensive comparing to the place environment and the cousin as well its not dinning and also not five star for all this money the environment is not as five star but the meat was very delicious. I tried once but I will never get back because tooo crowded and the table near all set with each other and very noisy
0.5 Stars2.7.2019
وجدت شئ في الطعام و لم القي حل مرضي اسعارهم عاليه
1 Stars30.6.2019
decrease the prices

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