YIACO Apollo
(117) 43
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0.5 Stars27.11.2015
زيادة الكادر الطبي والتمريض وانخفاض بالاسعار
1 Stars10.10.2015
Need to increase number of services offered
1 Stars26.8.2015
waiting time is too high and doctors are not committed to the appointments. in addition, most of the time only one doctor is available i each department and we have to wait for more than 2 hours to see the doctor
1 Stars11.8.2015
parking space is very small - i think they must provide us with online services like inquiries appointments price lists and so
0.5 Stars6.8.2015
once i went inside i got lost . no one on entrance no guiding boards or signs
3 Stars28.6.2015
To have more doctors, to lessen the waiting hours
0.5 Stars26.4.2015
ان تهتم بأرواح الناس وبأرواح الجنين واعطاء التشخيص الصحيح للمرضى لكي لا يتوفى شخص عزيز بسبب اهمال منهم.
1 Stars29.12.2014
Help poor people
5 Stars29.12.2014
It's better to keep appointment for ladies for pregnant instead of walk in appointment

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