Al-Ostoura #122
3 Stars (14) 5
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0.5 Stars24.11.2021
مبالغ بالاسعار و الجودة لا تستحق السعر
0.5 Stars4.6.2021
اسعار مبالغ بها بشكل غير طبيعي و الباعة عنجهيين بطريقة مستفزة.
5 Stars21.7.2019
wow! love their brands and love their staff!! the girls working there were so nice and helpful! the only problem is that I feel they need a bigger selections of gowns and to be on top of bringing in the items that there is a lot of demand on... otherwise everything is just perfect!
5 Stars27.8.2014
الخصومات والاستقبال
5 Stars23.10.2012
المنتج ممتاز

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