Louis Vuitton #80
3 Stars (17) 10
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1 Stars14.6.2021
اغلب البضاعه غير متوفره
0.5 Stars5.4.2021
الموظفين غير ودودين بالتعامل مع الزبائن
5 Stars9.12.2020
The only high end brand store that will serve you with a big smile up to the last interaction, even if you didn't purchase anything. My experience is really memorable as I am afraid to come on this shop, as I know from myself I cannot afford, but I just try to enter to know the authenticity of my dream bag, a staff approach me quickly, which I thought she is same nationality as me, and first time on my entire shopping experience that someone will let me feel that nothing is impossible if you really want to buy the product, when I ask her, can I just touch the bag, she clearly mention to me, "why your afraid, of course mam, you can touch it, I can even show you other bags if you like, no specific nationality buying our bags mam, it's open for sale to anyone. Which I really feel I am totally impress, entertain well.
5 Stars12.12.2019
The staff offered us drinks while waiting for our purchased item. Staffs are knowledgeable and by far very professional. Kudos.
5 Stars25.11.2019
High Quality, somewhat welcoming staff, great timeless designs.
5 Stars30.7.2019
Damn costly.
3 Stars20.11.2018
Staff I think should be more appreciative of their customers. All in all, their high end products are what customers are after for.
0.5 Stars21.8.2018
للأسف تعامل الموظفين غير مرضي وصار لي اكثر من ربع ساعة ابي موظف مومحصل أحد حتى لو يقولي عطنا نصف ساعة
0.5 Stars30.12.2017
الموظفين غير محترمين في التعامل مع الزباين وكان الواحد يطر وفوضى دايما وفوق هذا ندفع فلوس على منتج بعد يومين ينفتق الخياط جنه شارين تقليد ويبون يدفعونا فلوس التصليح لو شاريه اي ماركه عاديه افضل
5 Stars1.10.2016
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