Fly Nas #23
3 Stars (6) 4
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1 Stars12.3.2024
I've traveled several times between Dubai and KSA, and one aspect I appreciate is the ample legroom, allowing for a comfortable and relaxed journey.Overall, budget airlines offer a good value proposition.
3 Stars26.7.2023
جيدة بالخدمات والاسعار
0.5 Stars31.8.2022
كل شيء سيء المواعيد و الالتزام و الشنط التي تضيع
5 Stars15.5.2022
الالغاء للرحلات في الاونة الاخيرة وارتفاع رسوم الشنط الاضافية وكذلك ارتفاع اسعار التذاكر

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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