Oman Air #7
3 Stars (267) 102
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4.5 Stars12.2.2025
very good service and excellent prices. cheap but good
4.5 Stars5.2.2025
Excellent service. No delays or issues
5 Stars17.11.2024
the experience business class flight with oman airline was amazing and the staff was helpful. its was pandemic 2021 because i was so scared to having corona,or virus even though the tickets price it was very high, that time, but i feel so comfortable with them.. thank u for the good job..
4.5 Stars2.7.2024
The service is great, so I always travel with them
3.5 Stars30.6.2024
Needs to be developed more
4.5 Stars16.5.2024
Excellent and friendly staff, only issue is that I left an item on a plane and was unable to easily locate a customer service number to try and communicate/coordinate with them to retrieve it.
4 Stars9.5.2024
Improve customer service
0.5 Stars18.2.2024
الطائرات صغيرة وضيقة جدا مافيها entertainments
0.5 Stars12.2.2024
The distances between the seats are very small

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