British Airways #16
3 Stars (17) 7
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5 Stars11.12.2024
الطيران الدقه - المواعيد
0.5 Stars22.7.2024
Lost baggage, they promised refund for the things I purchased. After following up many times they said the claim was closed.
0.5 Stars11.9.2023
My last trip from heathrow I was downgarded to a middle economy seat. And flight was delayed 2 hours on the tarmac. They offered too low of compensation for that. The trip before that had a 3 hour delay. And 2 months ago my son was delayed a full day. For the prices paid, this is nuts.
0.5 Stars20.8.2023
تم الغاء الرحله وتم أبلاغنا بوقت قصير أقل من 24 ساعه .
5 Stars6.8.2023
الطيران رائع وخدماتهم ممتازة .
0.5 Stars27.7.2023
بعض الموظفين غير قادرين على حل المشاكل .
0.5 Stars2.3.2023
توقيت الطيارة غير مناسب وكراسي البزنس صغيرة مقارنة مع باقي شركات الطيران

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