Noodle Factory #37
Wafi Dubai
3 Stars (9) 4
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0.5 Stars19.2.2018
pzl give toooooo much emphasis on delivery of food ,price too high and the variety of noodles and vegetarian dishes ...once it was my anniversary I took my family there but did not enjoy the food at all al the vegetarian stuff is very disgusting .not at all satisfied man after paying so much , again we had to go to another restaurant as we were hungry not up to mark,,, .
0.5 Stars19.11.2017
اسعار غاليه
0.5 Stars30.10.2017
First of all thy have few items of vegetarian we ordered fr soup n some vegetable stuff the taste was useless boring not up to the remark so never visited again better improve taste and bring more veggy options. 😣
1 Stars1.9.2016
give more emphasis on speed of service and staffs should be more friendly and approachable even there's a lot of customers

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