Pizza Express #14
Anand Radia
3 Stars (143) 61
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5 Stars24.1.2023
البيتزا لذيذة ولكن حجمها صغير وسعرها اغلى من حجمها شكرا جزيلا لكم وارجو ان تضعوا لايك
5 Stars18.9.2021
The staff actually remember us and our favourite table when we return and are welcoming!
1 Stars9.9.2021
Reduce the price
5 Stars3.8.2021
Love their food and service but they're heavy on the pocket which makes it difficult to visit them frequently.
3 Stars6.7.2021
Quality pizza, food and drinks. Has great ambiance and good service.
1 Stars24.6.2021
ترخيص الاسعار مع الحفاظ ع جودة الطعم
5 Stars9.1.2021
Pizzas a bit overpriced
5 Stars31.12.2020
i like pizza express because they have delicious and tasty pizza. there place is clean and nice perfect for family and friends. i dislike the prices of there food because its little bit expensive.
1 Stars8.11.2020
The pizza here is quite expensive. Not unless you have coupons to spend. And it’s just the same pizza from other brands. I just guess you’re paying for the brand name though. But other than that, had a good experience with their product
3 Stars11.8.2020
The pizza is always great! Visited 3 locations and its great that each branch has its own vibe.

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