California Pizza Kitchen #26
Majid Al Futtaim
3 Stars (39) 20
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3 Stars22.9.2021
Can improve vegetarian food options and quality
5 Stars6.4.2021
Excellent service and tasty pizzas with decent ambience
1 Stars14.10.2020
What I don't like about the brand is the consistency of the taste of food in other branches. Also, they should introduce new items in their menu so loyal customers will be encouraged to visit often.
3 Stars5.10.2020
I like pizzas in general, so quality will be among the highest level but what keeps customers from coming back is the price which the price of CPK does not makes customers to keep coming back.
5 Stars24.6.2020
This restaurant is amazing food quality good staff good location i lika pizza or pasta
5 Stars19.10.2019
One of the place where you can enjoy your pizza and pasta. Yummy food! Good for sharing and highly recommended to everyone.
5 Stars4.9.2019
كل شي لديهم جميل جدا اتمنا الاستمرار والتقدم
3 Stars31.12.2018
Overall good for pizza, hope they will have more variety on steak. As well they have to make combos so that the price will be compensated and we can taste & eat portion of servings of food.
3 Stars3.12.2018
The pepperoni in kid's pizza is a bit spicy. They should have other varieties of kid's meal.

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