Universal Hospital #11
3 Stars (71) 13
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5 Stars15.2.2021
v.good hospital
3 Stars22.6.2019
dislike just the speed if services
5 Stars24.9.2018
مرحبا مشكل واحد هو الللغة العربية قليلة غير موجودة
5 Stars29.4.2018
I had visited Universal Hospital Abu Dhabi on 12/11/17. I had submitted the privilege card issued by the hospital during my consultation and was told that I would get the new card by post. I have not
0.5 Stars21.3.2018
I had visited Universal Hospital Abu Dhabi on 12/11/17. I had submitted the privilege card issued by the hospital during my consultation and was told that I would get the new card by post. I have not received it until now.
1 Stars5.3.2018
The nurse who I dealt with was not experienced she didnt know how to put the needle she put the needle then she was looking for the vein
0.5 Stars29.1.2018
Pharmacy almost medcin not avalible
0.5 Stars23.11.2017
must make followup on client cases they do not follow up on claims and no follow up after surgery
3 Stars16.11.2017
they should enhance the time management
0.5 Stars21.10.2017
خدمات صحية افضل

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