Dr. Sulaiman Al-Habib Medical Center #18
3 Stars (122) 17
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5 Stars22.12.2021
فصل عيادات الاطفال عن باقي العيادات للتقليل من الاكتظاظ والضوضاء
0.5 Stars26.8.2021
I am not sure if the Gp doctor the are doctor
3 Stars14.5.2020
opd department has a good customer service. highly recommended the nursing staff. receptionist were helpful. sometimes there is delayed in billing but acceptable time.
0.5 Stars18.12.2018
I visit the Gp doctor just he write for me the medication without check me and he give me wrong medicine
3 Stars15.12.2018
Very knowledgeable team esp in when inquiring on the phone. Helpful staff.
0.5 Stars11.12.2018
يكون عندهم مصداقيه اكثر .. و مراقبه الطاقم الطبي
5 Stars7.5.2018
I believe it is very professional hospital however the parking is the main issue as there are lots of pillars and for patients with big cars it will be difficult as it makes impossible to open doors from two sides
3 Stars25.4.2018
مكان جيد للاستشفائ
5 Stars2.4.2018
they have to call back to give the test results
5 Stars16.3.2018
الصراحة مستشفى الدكتور سليمان الحبيب تصنف في مصاف المستشفيات الأوروبية من حيث الخدمات والاستقبال و العلاج أحسن مستشفى زرته في حياتي

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