Ahalia Hospital #21
3 Stars (82) 21
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5 Stars14.12.2022
I had an excellent experience from Ahalia Hospital.The nurses are very friendly and the doctors are highly professional.
5 Stars6.9.2022
Al Ahalia hospital is very professional and giving best service with expert doctors,who are very knowledgeable and friendly ,they care more for customer,
5 Stars26.1.2022
Ahalia hospital is best with its services and treatment doctor are best and very caring it's care just like home environment over all best hospital.
5 Stars14.12.2020
It was always very much satisfaction and relief while take treatment at Al. Ahalia hospital it is best with its services and care for patience. Doctors very knowledgeable and helpful.
5 Stars14.11.2020
i live in near Al Ahlia Hamdan street emergency service is very good 🙂
3 Stars27.12.2018
Good staff. Good facility.
1 Stars24.9.2018
you will feel dizzy when you want to have a check up.. they will transfer you to other department and after there's no available doctor again you will transfer to another department. elevator are very slow and always loaded.
0.5 Stars19.9.2018
They need experienced staff, specially doctors and in the pharmacy
5 Stars14.9.2018
Al Ahalia Hamdan is generally a good hospital. An upgrade on the facility may help as the hospital feel is very dark and depressing. It also made the hospital look unclean.
5 Stars4.6.2018
Ahalia Hamdan branch offers good service.The only problem I faced is waiting for the lift access.

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