Aster Hospital #25
3 Stars (1,272) 234
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5 Stars17.5.2023
For the past 1 month on and off, I visited Aster Clinic, and I don't have any complaints. As staffs are competent and very helpful. I was nauseous after taking antibiotics and I requested a call back from the doctor. The nurse called me back and connected me with the doctor. The doctor was very helpful and prescribed another medicine. Also, they sent prescriptions through the mail.
0.5 Stars20.1.2023
They have to change a lot of things, from the managment to everthing! I had a very bad experience
3 Stars11.12.2022
زياده الموظفين العرب
5 Stars5.12.2022
Overall I am fine to it
5 Stars12.9.2022
In my 12 years in UAE, Aster is the main hospital I prefer to go. I like their doctors, facilities and staff although sometimes because of too much people are going to Aster, the waiting time is longer but still I prefer Aster.
0.5 Stars6.7.2022
Doctor onky interested in making money
0.5 Stars31.5.2022
they need to properly train their staff to handle emergency situation.
3 Stars25.12.2021
Needs to improve more dealing with appointments, you call for a appointment you go on time but still when u reach there you have to que just to reach the register and you have to wait ,so the point if appointments is useless. though the staff and doctors are nice and accommodating.

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About Aster Hospital

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