Gulf Diagnostic Center #27
3 Stars (6) 2
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1 Stars19.2.2020
Be more customer focussed...
0.5 Stars4.8.2016
There is no respect or importance of customers.this is solely a money making business not a hospital.i was lied to by the doctor for my treatment duration just so that I wouldn't go else where. I had travel obligations and mentioned that to the doctor before the treatment started as he said the treatment wouldn't take that long.but as the initial NON REFUNDABLE payment was over 4000 dhs. He made sure I was as customer he didn't lose. When time came for me to travel he decided to avoid my calls .not take my appointments and the customer care head of complaints did the exact same thing even though I personally went twice to complain and made several calls. I was left physically in pain. Without treatment after 2 months of treatment as he didn't wish to continue it with me. The WORST DOCTORS ,THE WORST CUSTOMER CARE AND DEFINATELY THE WORST HOSPITAL TO CONSIDER.its much better to throw that money in a bin rather than giving it to a firm which abuses you when you are in pain.

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