Nike #24
3 Stars (302) 150
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5 Stars25.2.2025
I use to buy shoes and not clothes and recent tie up with Kim will make this brand grow for sure
5 Stars3.12.2024
I am sure this brand will come up again. Best Wishes
5 Stars15.3.2023
I love Nike do much!! Im collecting Nike shoes its my dream actually😍😍😍 quite expensive, but the quality is very nice your money is worth it! Nike is a top brand !!!
5 Stars14.3.2023
I absolutely love Nike!!I absolutely love Nike. I downloaded the app and it’s easy to use. Convenience and style at my finger tips!! Nike is the only brand of shoe I wear. They make comfortable, affordable, durable and eye catching shoes/workout shoes. I work out 4 plus days a week so comfort and durability is very important.
5 Stars24.1.2023
دايما الاقضل وجودة النوعيه
1 Stars15.12.2022
Staff (Sun & Sand) need overall training, are totally disinterested. No product knowledge or service interest.
5 Stars31.10.2022
Amazing overall
5 Stars7.8.2022
Nike ,big brand for sport's wear,shoes and sponcer for events it's had good quality of product,more important it should need control prices and give some loyalty rewards to customer ,that be good for business
3 Stars28.7.2022
A bit more training for staffs in the showroom

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

About Nike

Performance chart
Year Country Wins Category Wins Nominations Honorable mentions
2020 Third Place