Adidas #21
3 Stars (179) 82
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2.5 Stars11.3.2024
Whenever I passed a shop of Adidas, I always check what's new and what's the promo and what are the lines that is on great deal. Love to visit Adidas shops always.
5 Stars27.7.2023
Have always love the brand, consistency, style and quality of product. Also diverse styles.
5 Stars19.6.2023
Adidas is one of my whislist. I really like the brand and quality I have bout most of the item shoes and apparel. And I keep continue collecting as longas they meet my budget.
5 Stars14.3.2023
Good quality and best price
5 Stars27.2.2023
This brand is good quality.i always love it.
5 Stars26.12.2022
الرجاء تخفيض الاسعار قليلا
5 Stars16.12.2022
Adidas is a very competitive brand. Products, style, pricing, quality are all good. Always active in any sports event.

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

About Adidas

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Year Country Wins Category Wins Nominations Honorable mentions