Massimo Dutti #56
Azadea Group
3 Stars (42) 18
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5 Stars15.9.2021
Sale time is the best time to buy from Massimo Dutti. The quality of the clothes is amazing.
0.5 Stars22.6.2021
اسعارهم بالمتجر او الاون لاين مرتفعه
5 Stars7.11.2020
All my pants 👖 from Massimo Dutti
5 Stars31.3.2020
Their quality is good and the prices are amazing.
5 Stars4.3.2020
the quality is very good but expensive.
1 Stars8.1.2020
Some products are super expensive. I do love the styling, really classy but sometimes super boring...
0.5 Stars17.12.2019
Since it’s a premium brand I was expecting a better level of customer service. We get our staff uniforms from them every 6 months. However just trying to find the reservation items from them took mor than 30 mins. The staff were not trained to handle customers the way ours are. The knowledge of products is not there either. The convenience of the location in MOE was confusing since they moved to a temporary spot. But once renovations was done the new Branch looks beautiful. Hopefully for my next visit it will be much better
0.5 Stars8.12.2019
يوجد تشكيله رائعه لكن الاسعار مبالغ فيها
5 Stars12.11.2019
I like the way, they help you in giving an honest option weather you need buy things.
0.5 Stars22.9.2019
The staff will look at you from head to toe, base on your appearance they will assist you..

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