Dome Cafe #7
3 Stars (24) 13
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5 Stars6.10.2021
ان يتم إعادة فتح فرع لهم في أبوظبي دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة خاصة بعد أن تم إغلاق فرعين في أبوظبي
5 Stars23.6.2020
انه خسارة كبيرة انه تم إغلاق فرع الخالدية مول أبوظبي.. من عشاق طبق السمك المشوي مع الأرز.. والصوص الرائع.. لذيذ.. لذيذ. يمي.. يمي.. اسعارة معقولة جدا..
3 Stars11.4.2020
They should improve their menu. The taste is not that good.
3 Stars2.7.2019
Serving of Calamari and Roti took too long to be served, coffee and tea are almost finished when it was served, a bit pricey as well, but the complimentary biscuit that comes with the coffee is very nice though,
0.5 Stars17.2.2019
You need to improve the speed in terms of serving the ordered food items and make sure your staff is knowledgeable enough when facing the customer who can understand properly.
3 Stars23.12.2018
Good staff
5 Stars18.2.2018
من عشاق فرع الخالدية مول ..مكان راءع..خصوصية عالية ..يحتاج التنويع في قائمة الإفطار ومراجعة الأسعار ...من عشاق طبق فيليه السمك طعم راءع وسعر معقول
5 Stars28.12.2017
Great Cafe,, food is superb... Also their pastries... Love this Cafe...
5 Stars24.11.2017
outstanding cafe ,nice staff ,loving it
3 Stars19.11.2017
I had a great experience since the first time I visited I was the only customer so I got the full service. The staffs are attentive

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