Tim Hortons #8
Apparel Group
3 Stars (1,414) 523
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1 Stars14.3.2023
i want the stuff to be faster then now
1 Stars14.3.2023
Some staff are not as nice they don’t much greet client upon ordering. Coffee is not that hot when served.
5 Stars14.3.2023
Coffee is always good, especially their vanilla flavored one. Good prices and good donuts too.
5 Stars19.1.2023
Nothing but just to maintain there good service...
3 Stars14.1.2023
Tim Hortons is very reliable and best services provider cafe with quality product and best verities of coffee,and snacks,
1 Stars27.12.2022
Amazing coffee I am a big fan of this brand I would really recommend it to coffee lovers
3 Stars7.10.2022
اتمتى التطوير وان ترجع الخضومات وورقة الخصومات مثل السابق
1 Stars17.2.2022
الخدمه في فرع ابو ظبي مول ضعيفة للغايه بعكس فرع الوحده مول او شارع المرور او المشرف مول - فرع ابو ظبي مول هو الاسؤ في الخدمه

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