Wasabi #149
3 Stars (20) 4
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0.5 Stars20.2.2021
Too much rice in nigiri, didn't seem very fresh either, and the maki had too much mayo.
3 Stars9.5.2019
يمتازون بتشكيلة واسعة من السوشي وصفحتهم رائعة على الانستا تحاكي رغبات الزبون ودائما متابعون وحاضرون للاجابة عن اسئلتك
0.5 Stars19.2.2015
When I visited the restaurant in Avenues, the quality of the food they served is very poor too much oil compare to other Japanese Restaurant. Kindly check the quality of food before you served it's a big disappointment for valid customer and waste of money.
5 Stars25.8.2014

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