Solo Pizza Napulitana #30
Solo Co.
3 Stars (43) 22
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4 Stars28.10.2024
دايما زحمة. البيتزا ممتازة
5 Stars20.10.2024
Best pizza in the world and the team there is always so friendly!
5 Stars19.6.2024
من أقوى مطاعم البيتزا في الكويت أنصح كل أحد أنه يجربة / صاحب المطعم تعلم سر المهنه في إيطاليا و جاء وطبقها بالكويت بكل حرفية ودقة
4 Stars19.5.2024
I really enjoy their Pesto Pizza - my one issue is that they have really raised their prices that do not necessarily reflect the quality or quantity of food you recieve. Further, they need to fix their delivery process as there is nothing enjoyable about getting a slightly cold and soggy pizza delivered to your home.
0.5 Stars9.12.2023
I like their dough and the Nutella bake was great, but the sauce tastes bland to me and my mushroom pizza was delivered without mushrooms.
3 Stars5.10.2023
I had tried this restaurant for someone recommended to me and I liked it.
5 Stars2.10.2023
i love solo since 2015💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 the best pizza and the best staff ever💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
3 Stars3.8.2021
احلي طعم للبيتزا
5 Stars30.6.2020
الذ بيتزا جد جد ما تطوف😋
5 Stars25.1.2020
its the best pizza in town.

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