Eataly #126
Azadea Group
3 Stars (6) 3
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3 Stars19.5.2024
Not what you expect from a restaurant that prides itself on providing you with authentic Italian food, small portions and large price tags. Staff is friendly though so there is that.
1 Stars31.12.2019
يرجى اعطاء الموظفين دورة في طريقة تقديم منيو قائمة الطعام، حيث يضعونها على صحن الاكل والمنيو ملوث بالايدي اي سيتم تلويث الصحن كذلك، كيف يحدث هذا ؟ وتم الشكوى لكن لم يتم الاخذ بهذه النصيحة
1 Stars5.8.2019
coffee order was not what I had asked for. they forgot to bring milk. seemed messy and rushed... but it was their first week of operation so teething pains? anyway food was good and our server helpful

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