Dawat Restaurant #152
3 Stars (14) 11
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3 Stars3.11.2023
our last visit to the bneid al qar branch was pleasant. Usually on weekends its very crowded and noisy.
0.5 Stars4.8.2022
(Mahboula beanch) Worst attitude of staff and much more.
1 Stars2.12.2020
The food is great. But on our last visit the service was very slow. We had to wait for at least 15-20 minutes only for the menu card, even though there were hardly 2 tables occupied at the time.
3 Stars21.11.2019
Everything was fine
0.5 Stars28.8.2019
.اسعارهم مبالغ فيها
1 Stars9.5.2019
Good food but very cramped seating at bneid al gar outlet
0.5 Stars1.1.2019
Really bad service staff didnt allow me to take the food takeaway as they said the packaging cost them a lot. I then requested to speak to a manager but no one came or called me after. Really bad and reduiolus experience I dont recommended to anyone.
0.5 Stars25.11.2018
Overpriced for the quality of food, almost all products they use are frozen and preserved.
1 Stars15.3.2018
مطعم جيد وخدمة جيدة وفرع المهبولة الخدمة بطيئة لحد ما لكن جيدة
5 Stars27.2.2018
مطعم جميل والاصناف متنوعة وجميل ايضاً للافراح والمناسبات الاكل جميل

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