Buffalo’s Southwest cafe #86
3 Stars (29) 12
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0.5 Stars22.3.2023
الاكل سيء للغاية والخدمة سيئة وغير محترفة. المرة الاخيرة التي ذهبت فيها أنا والعائلة حصل لي اعياء شديد وأثنين من أبنائي. وقررت عدم الذهاب مرة اخرى الى هذا المكان السيئ.
5 Stars18.10.2021
Nice staff and Quality food .Quick service
3 Stars31.7.2021
Really good chicken wings. We make sure to visit every now and then for the wings night. Burrito was very dry and wouldn’t recommend having. Overall a decent restaurant. The salmiya branch is good since it’s not crowded and has a faster service.
0.5 Stars6.12.2020
اسعار غالية . مبالغ فيها
0.5 Stars23.11.2020
The menu should be updated on their application .
0.5 Stars9.11.2020
جوده بعض الوجبات تغيرت جودتها.
5 Stars18.12.2019
Overall experience is excellent. The last time i visit was last December 4,2019 around 10:30 evening at Salmiya Branch. The restaurant was clean and organized, ambience is good and they are playing a lovely music. The food is was delicious, rib eye steak is tender,and have a beautiful aroma of newly cooked barbecue out of the grill. The lady staff is accomodating, give importance to the guestsand accurate in the taking the food orders. O was very satisfied i cant wait to come back and visit it again.
5 Stars17.1.2018
The staff in Salmiya branch are the best. =) They are approachable and friendly as well.
0.5 Stars11.12.2017
Improve customer service. Hire polite staff and serve fresh food.

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