BakeHaus #35
3 Stars (11) 6
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4.5 Stars16.12.2024
مكانهم الجديد بالافينيوز جميل جدا
5 Stars31.7.2024
في اختلاف من فرع لفرع من ناحية الطعمة
4.5 Stars30.6.2024
اعطوا معلومة غلط عن وجود مكسرات بالطبق مما ادى الى حدوث ردة فعل معي بسبب الحساسية . اسعارهم مرتفعة شوي. جودة ومذاق اطباق الحلو ممتازة
3 Stars22.9.2023
Great selection of breads and bakery stuff. Beware the cookies -- they are massive and dense with flavour! The everything bagel is not perfect but still a breakfast favourite of mine.
3 Stars22.9.2023
The viennoiserie is quite good but a bit on the greasy side. This is especially true of the cheese pastry. Still better than most in Kuwait. The bagels are not quite there but are satisfying.
5 Stars22.9.2022
Basically everything I've tried here was amazing but they have unreasonable prices for some things specially considering the proportions and how basic a lot of the menu items are, none of this is to say that the food there is bad, pretty much everything I've tried was as good as it gets!

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