Hilton Kuwait Resort #17
3 Stars (72) 29
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4 Stars29.7.2024
the prices are good for corporates. the gym is at the basement so no sun. There is a very good Yoga and Pilates instructor
3 Stars8.11.2022
Great for a one time experience
3 Stars26.2.2022
the shisha flavor wasn't a premium quality I didn't enjoy it compared to other lounges and cafes else where, the serving potion are always petite there could be some room to improve.
0.5 Stars15.9.2020
الفيلا في المنتجع مستهلك جدا موظفين الاستقبال يحتاجون مهارة اكثر مع للضيوف
5 Stars16.2.2020
We get such a amazing hospitality from this hotel.... Thank you so much!
5 Stars24.8.2019
superb resort with lots of facilities to cater your needs from cafe's with good food, relaxing spa, studio, therapeutic pool,etc. continue meeting customer's standards and continue the good service your providing to your customer.
5 Stars27.5.2019
Love the singer during our visit during iftar!!!
5 Stars4.12.2018
Keep the service more interactive like the previous ones
3 Stars31.12.2016
Stuff is not that much good, especially supervisor and they not understand respect customer

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