Thinnies #4
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4 Stars11.11.2024
من اطيب المطاعم التي ممكن ان تقدم لك الوجبات السيريعه من حيث المذاق والجودة ولكن الحجم مقابل القيمة مرتفع جدا
5 Stars21.10.2024
Best burger in kuwait! Sometimes delivery isn't consistent and sandwich arrives messy with ingredients spilled on outside, especially if they've cut it in half.
4.5 Stars2.7.2024
سعر المنتج مرتفع قليلا ويجب تحديد ودراسة الأسعار جيدا

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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