The Athletes Foot #66
Ali Abdulwahab Al Mutawa Commercial Co.
3 Stars (28) 13
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4.5 Stars28.8.2024
I always order from them online. The quality and prices are very acceptable
4 Stars14.8.2024
الموظفين والسرعة حسب الزحمة. ممكن اضطر افتش على القطع واخذها بروحي
3 Stars28.11.2023
The promotion was excellent.
3 Stars8.11.2020
مع ازدحام التنزيلات واجهت صعوبه بالتواصل مع الموظفين وقمت باتمام عملية الشراء والبحث عن القياس لوحدي.
5 Stars2.4.2020
The staff are very accommodate and the quality of product is good.
5 Stars30.3.2020
Staffs are very friendly and helpful
5 Stars3.12.2019
me and my husband normally comes here to purchase sneakers. availability of product and excellent staff service.
5 Stars26.11.2019
Recently I have buy Nike Air Jordan for my son. Only in Athletes Foot i find cheap rest everywhere is higher price. Very much satisfy with their price and products.
5 Stars5.8.2019
My Husband love to shop his Jordans here, staff are accommodating if the shoes or size you need is unavailable they would assist get your number and inform you to return when its readily available, That is customer Service right there they save you the time and hassle i searching for what you need. Kudos to them
3 Stars8.4.2019
Athletes foot?? of the best in assisting customers and making the customers satisfied...example of their cheap sale price of their products..keep it up..!!!

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