River Island #94
Al Shaya
3 Stars (97) 26
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4.5 Stars17.9.2024
In the sale the prices are excellent
3.5 Stars4.6.2024
الستوك كتير قديم كتير
3 Stars22.2.2023
قبل كورونا كانت البضاعه احسن من هيك
0.5 Stars22.12.2022
بعض القطع اسعارها زادت فوق المتوقع
0.5 Stars20.12.2022
الجوده صارت حيل سيئه فبعض القطع ماتصير حتي دراعه بيت
0.5 Stars25.9.2022
اسعارهم صارت مرتفعه و الجوده اصبحت اقل لبعض القطع
5 Stars20.9.2021
The quality of the product is exceptional.
1 Stars8.8.2021
صارت الاسعار مرتفعه جدا
0.5 Stars17.11.2020
I really love the quality of the River Island brand. I have a lot of stuff from this brand and its very durable. The last time I went to the branch in Avenues for kids. No staff assisted us and there is one available but he is busy on the phone. We are looking for a gift and when we already chose the item and ask the staff if there is any available sizes as we are planning to buy 2pcs. he immediately reply no size and we felt that he was in a hurry to finished with us and returned back the item on display which we are going to pay already that why we gave him. We informed him that we are going to get that item, why did you return? We went to cashier to pay and when we told him its for a gift, maybe he can wrap on a tissue and put on the paper bag nicely but he told us that they don't have only mothercare have that kind of wrapping. The item was expensive and not on sale and he put the item on the sale plastic bag. I really feel disappointed that i'm buying an expensive stuff as a gift and they will just put on the plastic. Overall his attitude and customer service failed for us and we never expect it from the brand that I loved.
1 Stars30.7.2019
Fit is good in their designs. Nice and good finished products.

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