H&M #66
Al Shaya
3 Stars (2,240) 652
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4.5 Stars13.1.2025
never had problems because the staff is very friendly. I order onlline and then go change or return in the shop
3 Stars6.12.2024
They say they accept Apple Pay on checkout page but I couldn't find the option on the payment page. As someone who's had 2 credit cards hacked this year, I'd prefer not giving websites my CC details.
4 Stars13.11.2024
Overall, good customer service and affordable pricing. However, they need to improve the quality of the materials used. I do appreciate the collaboration efforts they make.
5 Stars10.11.2024
تجربة ممتازة
5 Stars10.11.2024
سهولة في التعامل وبضعتهم حلوة
5 Stars29.10.2024
اسعاركم صايرة اغلى
3 Stars23.10.2024
يجب معالجة الازدحام عند الدفع السيستم بطيء ويصبح الانتظار ممل
4.5 Stars21.10.2024
الاسعار حسب التنزيلات والمواسم. بنطلب من الاونلاين PICK-UP. تشكيلة الاونلاين متنوعة وحلوة
2.5 Stars20.10.2024
الموظفين غير ملميين بالمقاسات المتوفره من انواع معينه ودائما يلجؤون الى بيع السلع الاغلى

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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