Vol.1 Roast Lab #17
3 Stars (14) 6
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3 Stars20.6.2022
Been going every week for the past 3 weeks. Every time I go I ask for skim or low-fat milk which they don't have ... instead they offer Almond or lactose free milk which I am not interested in. You'd think there are more people interested in other variants of milk.
3 Stars21.12.2020
Love the taste of coffee
5 Stars24.11.2020
What I like about this brand is the quality of coffee served. What I would wish for is they would open more branches.
5 Stars25.12.2019
I like espresso and coffee milk base
5 Stars4.9.2019
Its uniqueness of taste and flavours that it gives for a coffee that makes it one of the best ones among many international chains that we have around the globe.
5 Stars18.6.2019
Better and good for me..

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