Pret a Manger #6
3 Stars (9) 4
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4.5 Stars12.12.2024
اروح العاصمة. خدمة ممتازة وقعدتهم حلوة
4.5 Stars15.10.2024
اسعارهم جدا معقولة. تشكيلة المخبوزات حلوة بس ياخذون وقت بتحضير القهوة
4 Stars30.9.2024
كل شي ممتاز بس ماعندهم تشكيلة حلويات كبيرة
5 Stars1.12.2023
A lot of choices in coffee. They are using organic cofee on thier menu so it is good for those health consious. The ambiance of the shop was nice especially in Al Hamra branch. The staff was also frendly and helpful.

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