Family Supermarket #14
Families Group
3 Stars (47) 24
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5 Stars5.12.2022
Good, Small Concept store and easily accessible
1 Stars31.5.2021
Good thing about the supermarket is, it is 24 hours open and has decent products.
5 Stars8.1.2021
جيد جدا
5 Stars6.1.2021
It is an wonderful company that has delivery too. And cheaper too
5 Stars16.12.2020
Near my home and easy to get grocery when you arent going to places like malls
1 Stars18.11.2020
I like all the foods and item except the fresh fish mostly is not anymore fresh hope next time they will improve that matters . And second sometimes the staff if you ask excuse me can you tell me do you have this product or item they will answered you just check that side with pointed he or she my mouth 👄 otherwise everything is fine .
1 Stars25.4.2020
Less product options
0.5 Stars3.2.2020
Staffs need to be more welcoming
0.5 Stars24.11.2019
Too much pricing of many goods

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