Commercial Bank of Dubai (CBD) #7
3 Stars (118) 24
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5 Stars29.12.2022
enhance their mobile app on their services/products
5 Stars31.10.2022
I love CBD my favourite bank due to the ease of banking both in online and store.
0.5 Stars10.12.2021
Delaying tactics used for liability letter. Even the complaint didn't solve the issue
3 Stars17.11.2021
Add ATM machines in Industrial Areas.
5 Stars28.6.2021
الافتراح الوحيد هو انتشار الفروع اكثر من ذلك .البنك يتمتع بمرونه غير مسبوقه من البنوك الاخري والسرعه في التعامل هي سمه اثاثيه لديه .والملاحظ هو نجاح النظام من حيث سهوله التسجيل علي التطبيق وسرعه الانجاز
5 Stars14.6.2021
Great bank, so far have not found the need to call them so just use the app for now.
5 Stars28.3.2021
It's a good bank, but its difficult to connect with their customer service.
1 Stars25.3.2021
ضروره زياده المرونه بالاجراءات خاصه هذه الفتره

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