Texas Roadhouse #5
Al Shaya
3 Stars (329) 135
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3 Stars27.11.2022
very expensive but food is good
5 Stars4.5.2022
I love the ambience of the restaurant. Its cool for a good chat for a meet up friends. I will highly recommend it. Thank you
3 Stars21.4.2022
Food was amazing especially the nuts and bread they are serving while waiting. Prices are too high but the food was amazing and staffs are also friendly
5 Stars26.2.2022
The food was too good , but the prices are kinda high for most of the meals. But since my experience was great, it was worth every penny.
3 Stars16.11.2021
The staff (in one of the branches we tend to visit ie RAK) have the habit of talking annoyingly loudly amongst themself's - at times yelling from the kitchen to across the restaurant floor. It is not very pleasant if you have planned a quiet meal.
5 Stars24.8.2021
Good food but highly priced
5 Stars2.8.2021
Overall it's good
1 Stars23.6.2021
Food is great. Staff very friendly esp when it’s a bday celebration they were create an experience. Only problem is it’s overpriced.
3 Stars31.3.2021
Good tast high price

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About Texas Roadhouse

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