Giraffe #36
Emirates Leisure Retail (ELR)
3 Stars (8) 7
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0.5 Stars11.3.2021
تحسين نوع الطعام لايوجد غير فرع واحد في ياس مول أبوظبي.. الأسعار غالية جدا.. المكانوالموبع وسهولة الوصول ممتاز..
1 Stars3.6.2018
should be less expensive as there are some meal which are not worth the price. friendly staff, tasty food, interior is beautiful,
0.5 Stars18.11.2017
تكبير حصة الوجبه
5 Stars6.11.2017
Tried this restaurant at the dubai airport, and the quality of the food is excellent! Staff is always friendly and smiling.
5 Stars13.9.2016
The staff should always welcome their customers or guests politely
3 Stars12.9.2016
they shall give the maxinum product/service with what the customers are paying. its like I'm not receiving the value of what I paid for. But I shall commend the staff for giving an awesome service.. But its just what I've expected. Maybe I'm expecting more from them since they're in the business for years now.
3 Stars14.8.2016
Staff to take drinks/food orders a bit quicker

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