Audi #43
Ali & Sons Co. LLC
3 Stars (19) 4
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5 Stars10.1.2021
Very good and I hope they continue like this
3 Stars30.12.2019
The prices are so expensive.
0.5 Stars5.6.2018
To be honest and descent to it’s customers, to tell them all the facts about the services and warranty provided before buying the car and to know availability of services
0.5 Stars4.6.2018
شركة من أسوأ ما يكون، بسبب تركيز مالكها (الوكيل) على كسب ربح أعلى مع عدم مراعاة ثقة ورضاء المتعامل، كنت على وشك رفع دعوى قضائية على الشركة. أتمنى أن تتدخل الشركة الأم لإنهاء المهازل الحاصلة.

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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