Etisalat #2
3 Stars (4,651) 1,649
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3.5 Stars9.1.2025
Cost too high, how to attract new customers, many might switch to DU but still costly ( Considering mid size population you need to come with some attractive plans on WIFI)
5 Stars3.12.2024
Cost too high, Considering everything digital, please see how mid consumers can benefit. Internet is too costly
1 Stars15.10.2024
Services needs to be improve and be more customer oriented, could hardly reach to speak a customer service rep and cannot even help.
4.5 Stars21.6.2024
I like the data promo. They have monthly service. The only i dislike to their service is this V. A and smile points every time you reload you can have a free additional like International free call. Sad to say Philippines is not included in there.
2.5 Stars28.5.2024
Called in to resolve an email issue and after 3 weeks, 8 calls, follow ups, the issue is still not resolved. I was advised to keep trying to resolve the problem from my side despite Etisalat knowing that the issue is from their end. Sadly Etisalat is not about service
4 Stars20.3.2024
Cost is too much
5 Stars14.4.2023
اجمل تجربة لي مع اتصالات انترنت قوي واتصالات ممتازة والاسعار مناسبه
5 Stars1.3.2023
best service and best offers
0.5 Stars13.2.2023
Etisalat are very smart at selling their add-ons. However when it is time to remove them, they are equally smart and good at haivng their customers run around. I had added 2 add-ons and wanted to remove them. I visited 3-4 branches of theirs including the Wasl Business center. They kept telling me that they do not have the access to cancel them and I need to check with the call center. I called up the call center team from the business center itself and handed the phone to the advisor who then had an argument between them too. So much for a so called well renowned brand!

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