McDonald's #3
Emirates Fast Food Co.
3 Stars (3,083) 1,173
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4.5 Stars17.6.2024
Good place to eat with friends, fast service, food quality.
4.5 Stars27.5.2024
McDonald's is our always go-to fast food chain and will always be one. They have tasty affordable food options for everyone. The toys in their Happy Meal is of good quality too.
4.5 Stars11.3.2024
Quick delivery. Very good customer service
2.5 Stars11.3.2024
Very friendly and courteous staff. Unfortunately the regular coffee is almost never strong as it should be, however on request, most times the staff are willing to rectify the problem and re serve the cup
5 Stars24.9.2023
It was very pleasent and enjoyable moments when visit and eat at McDonald's,it had best quality food and services for family,very helpful staff and careful to serve the customer needs very well
5 Stars19.6.2023
Good experience
0.5 Stars16.5.2023
Needs to reconsider the price, its too much for a fastfood burger meal.
5 Stars14.4.2023
تجربة رائعة لي ولطفلتي خصوصا وجبة السعادة Happy mailفعلا تخليها سعيدة
5 Stars11.4.2023
The reason why it's my favorite because of the fries and burgers it's very tasty compare to other fast foods

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About McDonald's

Performance chart
Year Country Wins Category Wins Nominations Honorable mentions