Five Guys #15
3 Stars (197) 89
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0.5 Stars11.4.2023
The food is great but very expensive.The price is so unreasonable for every piece.
5 Stars30.12.2022
they have good food, but some foods are not affordable for all.
0.5 Stars26.12.2022
They need to improve the taste add some more variety in menu
0.5 Stars23.3.2022
البرجر مش واو تقيل جدا ودهون كتير الساندويتش كبير جدا ممكن يمثل ميزه لبعض الناس بالنسبه لى لا البطاطس حلوه وكمياتها كبيره طبعا القيمه المدفوعه ل ٣ اشخاص كبيره اصل ل ٢٠٠ درهم علو سندوتشات لازم عروض كل فتره و
5 Stars22.3.2022
Please bring back the coffee shake.
3 Stars26.2.2022
loved the burgers here . Their fries were very crispy and nice. The price was however a bit on the higher side .
5 Stars17.2.2022
Love the burger and it's shake Unique, tasty and really good. Although it's a bit pricey, food quality is worth it!
3 Stars10.2.2022
زيادة الأفرع في الامارات
5 Stars23.9.2021
Bigger burgers.

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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