Tommy Hilfiger #27
Apparel Group
3 Stars (15) 5
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5 Stars26.12.2022
it's a great brand.The staff are very friendly and assist us very well.I bought a sweater and it's quality is great.
5 Stars31.5.2021
I love shopping from T H ,clothes are best and cheap service staff very friendly , quality of clothes are as good as the price
0.5 Stars31.12.2018
بشكل عام اذواق وألوان وخامات ومواكب لخطوط الموضه جدا للأطفال والكبار بس الأسعار مبالغ فيها جدا لما يكون تيشرت ٥٠٠ درهم والسيل أيضا الأسعار غاليه مقارنه ببراندات نفس مستواه
5 Stars28.11.2017
Loved this brand too😍😍 specially shoes 👟👌😊

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