Rivoli #12
Rivoli Group
3 Stars (9) 7
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5 Stars26.12.2022
The staffs are highly professional.They guides us very well.I bought a Rado from there .
5 Stars8.12.2022
the staff here are great and have good knowledge of what they're selling . I bought a watch from here and got a good discount .
5 Stars3.10.2021
They have the best online web offers sometimes. They have mostly all the brands in store and online and very good staff. Value for money and quality and genuine products we get there.
5 Stars22.5.2020
Staff are very polite
1 Stars6.10.2019
I always buy tissot brands, theres no question on its quality, but some staff are not accomodating and not assisting properly, al ghurair branch has a nice staff, in tissot shop in deira city centre some of the staff are not easy to deal when buying a watch.
5 Stars29.11.2017
Great places for branded accessories
5 Stars26.11.2016
Very Good offers , great collections and very nice staff .

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