Mamas & Papas #89
Al Tayer Group
3 Stars (6) 4
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1 Stars31.3.2021
اسعار مرتفعه جدااا
5 Stars10.7.2018
The price range is so high compared to UK store! I love quality of goods though
0.5 Stars19.3.2018
الاسعار عالية والبضاعة الترفيهية اكثر من الاساسية.. لا يلبي جميع الاحتياجات
0.5 Stars24.10.2017
A stroller for 6000 aed or more??? Why? The sales man's excuse was that it will last for years, I don't think my kid will be using a stroller when he's 5 , I can buy a car with that 💰

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